Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Weather The Storm?

Everywhere i go and everybody i meet, the only topic occupying everyone's mind is about the economic uncertainty...and to be honest i'm not excluded...i just wish i could bump into someone who's talking about something more encouraging, something more refreshing, something more productive, something more something else u know what i mean?...

Anyway today i was fortunate enough to have a chat with someone that spoke about that something see i often exchange knowledge, views, opinion and everything else under the sun with this person...hes considered as someone that i admire very much for the way he looks at things, for the way he value things and for the way he thinks about things....

So he suggested that i should get this book that he just read "A New Earth"...i cant remember who the author is but after listening to the way he expressed himself of how the book have changed the way he look at things (yet again)...i'm hitting the book store after work tmrw to get my hands on it...

I always believe all of us need some new dosage of knowledge in our lives from time to time and mine is due i think...


Kuey san said...

gonna get a copy also :)

Sakura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


sometimes am too lazy to read books OR even newspaper, but lucky nowadays we are all connected with internet, thus i still force myself to google all current news..atleast!!

not to forget, the BML that inspired and gave me knowledge from someone like you..bravo!!

ketam said...

To weather the storm just pray to ALLAH and be like US joining the THESUN MOTOR HUNT this SUNDAY.. yeeeehaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

The author is Eckhart Tolle. It is a heavy read but worth the read. all the best.

Anonymous said...

Yup .. the book was supposed to be life changing .. just like Eat Pray Love etc etc

Saw the reviews and comments on the Oprah last nite .. I was just thinking of getting the book myself .. who knows, it might change moi :D

akumangkok said...

That book was recommended by Oprah is last night's show (repeat kot tak tau le)
Am planning to get a read too.

jadz said...

yeah its a great book...its been around for quite some time already, but never too late to start

Anonymous said...

salam mr ee n erra, epi anniversary ek..wpon lari dpd your topik but nk gak wish u... semoga bahagia selalu, terus berkasih sayang, cinta mencintai n murah rezeki sentiasa. tambah baby lgk. amin

Edzlin said...

hi mr emran. i love reading. maybe after this you can give us the review of the book. hmm, maybe me too should get one

Anonymous said...

hi EE...nanti dah baca, tolong buat summary skeet point2 yg patut dishare ramai2...

saya suka buku2 ni...tapi skrang dah tak sempat nak baca...nak kena jaga anak kecik2 kat umah sorang2 sbb maid dah takde, and hubby pun balik kul 10 lbh tiap2 malam (except ahad)...keja

take care

Anonymous said...

salam mr ee... kite dh beli dh majalah URTV cover depan u n mrs..wah, comel u all la..look so loving n happy..maintain gitu ek smp ke akhir hayat..amin
i suka baca majalah yg ader citer erra je..ehehehe..byk koleksi tau..take care

Anonymous said...

ermm.. true.. recession is coming... but we don't have to panic.. Do what is wise. It is really time to take pro active steps to avoid a painful time in the next two years which is how long the recession is expected to last.

1. Don't take any loans
2. Don't buy houses or properties with loans, or even cash.
3. Keep as much cash as possible.
4. Pay off as much of personal loans, private loans, as debt collection will be hastened.
5. Sell any stocks you can even at lower prices.
6. Take money off from Trust Funds.
7. Don't believe in huge sales forecast from customers, be extremely prudent, lowest inventories, reduce liabilities.
8. Don't invest in new capital.
9. If you are selling homes/ properties/ cars , do it now, when you can get good prices, they are going to fall.
10. Don't invest in new business proposals.
11. Cancel holiday plans using credit cards.
12. Don't change jobs, as companies will retrench based on 'last in first out'.
And last but not least, stay cool, wait, and if you took all of the above actions and more, you probably will be better off then many.

above tips I get verbally from my fren kat bank and tak lama, emails starts spreading the same content.. x salah kan kalau ikut.. lgpun, prevention is better than cure..

Anonymous said...

this 'sakura' person is sucha STALKER man. Everytime in every comments section of every post, here 'it' comes again ! gawdddd, would you just poof away? Yes, now I'm annoyed...

Faisal Admar said...

oh. 3 books in hand now. just finish one. will get a copy of this soon!

Anonymous said...


Try to read The Last Lecture from Prof Randy Pausch. A very moving one.

rachel green said...

salam engku emran,

bagus sila cadangkan buku yang menarik untuk dibaca untuk kami jangan asyik baca urtv sahaja.

Anonymous said...

sweet la mr. EE & mrs.EE ms Pre-screening of James Bond, Quantum of Solace After-screening Party at GSC Signature, Gardens Mall (31/10/08). sedondon gitu.. mrs.EE tetap cun. i like!!! ;)

sorry, out of topic jap..

Mrs Emzee said...

The book was highly recommended by Oprah since last season... Yes, a very complicated book bt life-changing. A must read to all. Literature je kena pkir betul2. Tips: sediakan highlighter/petanda pages...cos sm sentences are so powerful to think upon..njoy reading! Salam.

Fly said...

salam..engku emran baru 1st time lawat blog u ni. moto u ke tu pehh ngidam gak moto camtu best...

Intan said...

Leaves, why do u say such unkind words to Sakura? She is jest a varsity girl who loves to surf this blog! She enjoys it,so, we must not deprive her for doing so.Be cool bout it,k!!

Anonymous said...

i dunno how to contact u, so ill just do it here..

Pls go to :)



Anonymous said...

Sorry EE nak buat promo sikit (jgn mara aaa)

For those who wants to see ENAVA BAND perform please go to WINE ROOM every wenesday till Saturday..

el isman said...

Baguih bro.
Dok pikiaq problem ja sampai bila.
Hujan pon tau berhenti.

Anonymous said...

Go and visit the library because I am sure the book is available there. :) Wish more Malaysian will go and visit their library to cultivate more reading habits in the society.

Anonymous said...

nape xupdate blog? tgu dh brpe arini...huhu

Segalanya Manik..manik..manik...atau BEADS said...

Mr ee, evryday must surf ur site..but still not update...warghh when will u update the latest news bout kak erra..TQ

Intan said...

yo bro, bile nak update ni??More than a week la!!Laptop wat hal ke??

Anonymous said...

Y so quite lately? Bz or no more idea? How are you,wife and jr? Hope all are fine. Looking forward to more cerita2 esp.on your preparation to welcome EE's junior to this scary world of uncertainty.

scenenseen said...

MR E and MRS E,
congratulations for the upcoming bundle of joy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Salam Mr. EE..
nape dh lama xupdate blog. ari2 tgok, tp xde entri baru. sedih tau..
cpt2 la update ye..

*yellow volks* said...

hye! what's up? long time didnt update ur blog.

Anonymous said...

It's a refreshing change to see you writing about books. For once. You know it's tiring to read about you gushing about your wife.
I thought you promised your readers no talking about your missus.
I know you are brilliant But your wide reading Eckhart Tolle. Just can't believe it. Was she just posing for RTM? For her fans?

Anonymous said...

hey EE just stumbled upon ur blog today and I must say that I found your blog truly interesting, you have a knack in telling stories - making it sound so funny and all so true at the same time!

Anonymous said...

lama nyer mr.EE x update..
bz giler ke?
apa kbr mrs.EE & baby EE, sihat?

Anonymous said...

lamanye EE x update blog...huhu

Anonymous said...

Salam Mr. EE..
nape dh lame xupgrade blog?
lama tgu ni? cepat2 la upgrade ye..

Sakura said...

Salam Mr EE...kenapa dah lama tak update?? Bzz ye? Hari ni genap dah 5 bulan kan Mrs EE hamil...semoga dalam keadaan sihat..
Oh ye..saya dah dapat tahu tajuk buku - buku Mrs EE tu:-)
Dikesempatan ni nak minta maaf kalau ada terkasar bahasa dan tersilap bicara...
Mungkin ini kali terakhir setakat ini saya menulis di sini....Byeeeeeee:-)

Dilla Raffe said...

erm,,nak tau cite de latest bout erra..plizz...;)
if can,,with new pic skali..

Anonymous said...

where hv u been brader? lame dah tak update blog.....huhu...nak tawu pkembangan kak erra...

Intan said...

Apa ni bro??lama sgt lah!Hari2 bukak tau.Btw dear Sakura,continue je lah dtg sini.This is for fun only.Kita enjoy gak idea2 u.Pedulikan lah org2 yg xsuke baca yrs tu.Klu xsuke,skip je lah,kan?

Anonymous said...

have read the book....its very good a must buy

Anonymous said...

EE, xde post tuk nov ker?
xtau nk comment kat ner....
dgr bakal dpt baby gyrl.... congrate2....

Anonymous said...

Apa ni..?Dh dkt sbln tad update blog ni bro..Hari2 bukak nak tau ceta trbaru..Ksian saja,jauh tau dri brunei ni..Update lh..K TQ

KC said...

Mr. EE,
Are u trying to avoid having to publish Erra's bumpy tummy, that's why lama tak update?? hee hee...updatelah..teringin nak tengok EF now. Sure cantik with seri baby!

Anonymous said...

hai takan hangat2 taik ayam je bro..dah lama takde perkembangan ni?? bz sangat ke?? kan ada teknologi HP canggih can do mobile blogging what

Anonymous said...

Salam bro...
bz sgt ke? nape xupdate blog?
rindu la nk baca...citer la psl perut dh makin besar. xsabarnya...hehe
Slamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha...
cepat2 la update ye...

Leesa Liisa said...

hi ee!!! wah lama seh n3 ni...tak update ke bro??? bz? :D

tak sabar nak nunggu new n3 dari engku, maybe ada story pasal baby ke...

wallpapersdeco said...

hi have a nice day.. looking for wallpapers for your house? or your friends/relative interested, visit my blog!

azimask said...

update please .. nak tau perkembangan ur wifey... suker tgk mukernyer yg mmg jelita walau tanpa secalit make up... hehehe

Siperchai said...

ey eh bro,
cam lama tak update la blog nie.tunggu tunggu jugak..
nway jaga kesihatan.hv fun.cheers'

Anonymous said...

abang ee daah mabuk kot..alergik dgn blog pembawakan budak..

Anonymous said...

engku, hari2 bukak blod nie tapi takder update... u ok ker? erra apa kabar? alahan ker.. saya doakan ibu anak (dan papa) semua sejahtera... tak sabar menunggu berita terkini erra. last tengok mase dia muncul kat sehati berdansa...

Diego FirDauZe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Emran,
I wonder how can I get access to you via your inbox. Is it okay if I contact you via email?
Mine is Please do email me for I have some questions to ask. Thank you Mr. Emran.


Tash said...

It's by Eckhart Tolle, I think that's how you spell it nways. Apparently a really good book, had great reviews on Oprah as well. Its been on my bookshelf for ages, I need to start reading it too.

dorayuana said...

Eckhart Tolle.. bought and have never looked back since.

Oprah rocks big time i must say for her constant raves and the biggest online classroom held last year for her book club.

plus Jim Carrey read it too.. i was sold then. hah.


summer said...

Have read the book, it's by Eckhard Tolle. A bit heavy going but well worth reading. It offered new perspective for me rather than relying on status quo. Happy reading.

Anonymous said...

hepi new year 2 erra n emran...

Anonymous said...

great book..

Intan said...

EE,we (yr BYL fans),really really missed u.Dont know whats wrong,but,we all hope that u can come back for the sake of real true blogging.I for one,had been enjoying yr intelligent, witty and sometimes angry writing.And we get an extra bonus in the forms of Erra and Junior as well.Do blog on real daily events that surrounds our beloved country like that of Rocky's Bru.Anything bro,cuz,we all missed u.U're one guy with lots of positive attitude.With our present political temperament now,we sure need more guys like u.

Anonymous said...

EE tutup je la blog ni pasal buat semua org sakit hati pasal takde update...

Anonymous said...

tolong update pasal EF.

demand ni. huahhaa


Anonymous said...

pstt.. semoga kak erra bersalin selamat yea:)

david santos said...

Excellent!!!! Congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

hapy burfday 2u
moga pjg umo n murah rezki slalu k
nti pas baby ee da lahir
hope apdet la blog ni eh
nk gk tau perkembangan
best of luck =)

Hafiz Mahadzir said...

alahai... lamanye xde update kat sini... EE pls do write again... :)

Anonymous said...

just wanna to remind u bro, don't make salty food a must in your diet kay! banyak dah dilihat, dengar dan dirasai, 'silent killer' in the making has something to do with hypertension. So watch your diets and your dear ones. start now before you reach the age 40. serious, nowadays heartattacks and diabetes are common!!! BTW belated birthdays to you and princess. Smooth delivery for my girl, GOD BLESS

guapunyahal said...

sorry to bugging in. send my regards to Erra.... simon here or let her know its Seman kirim salam yeah

Anonymous said...

La, nape bro....dah x aktif ke?

Anonymous said...

Tahniah coz Erra dah slamat melahirkan bb E..wah, Mrs E still looks gorgeous n pretty gak...mmg lawa la Erra ni

Anonymous said...

Tahniah coz Erra dah slamat melahirkan bb yg sihat...sure besa nanti selawa mak dia

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Emran
I'm from s'pore & i juz read in a website that your wifey has delivered baby E.Congrats to you both!!Do update soon can?

Anonymous said...


dah bersarang blog ni...bila nak update?

Anonymous said...

Emran bz buat persiapan untuk sambut baby salam kat kakak erra ku yg tersyang ok..kekekek

mamaman said...

Tahniah to you both for the birth of Engku Aleesya.... nanti post lots of gambar baby ok

Anonymous said...

congrats on ur new bundle of joy. pls update this blog. would love to hear about ur parenthood experience :)

scenenseen said...




Anonymous said...

congrate... dpt bby gyrl...

Anonymous said...

Salam ziarah. Sekadang membuat hebahan. Mungkin ini dapat membantu orang-orang kita diwaktu gawat sekarang.

Rancangan "Who Wants To Be A MillionaireBlogger.Net" kini, ke udara di screen komputer anda. Sertai & daftar sekarang. Kemasukan adalah PERCUMA...

Anonymous said...

En Emran... saya suke isteri awk...cantik dan paling best share birthday sama saya...9 February.

Kirim salam sayang saya,
kalo dia tgk muka saya mungkin dia igt, ex staff Berita Publishing

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....