I'm actually blogging from JB (how i ended up here? read on pls...). Anyway started my day at head office The Star building as i had to attend StarBiz-ICR Malaysia forum for company CEOs. Its basiaclly about 'reminding' the heads of their role on corporate responsibility laa.. moderated by the witty Dato' Johan Raslan (Chairman of ICR M'sia) who is the big boss of PWC. The panelists i must say were well represented ie we had Ms Rohana Rozan(Astro's CEO), Dato' Krishnan Tan Of IJM, Irene CEO of HSBC M'sia and Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar who needs no introduction lah..cut the story short...i'm glad i attended as it was an eye opener...
Ok enough with the boring stuff...so after the suit and tie event that finished around 12 i rushed home but not forgeting to get what my wife told me to buy from the hardware store the night before (see men do have good memory...err sometimes) so got home packed my stuff in my T-bag (a T-bag is a luggage carrier for biking) and put on my riding gear and off to JB at 2pm.
Got to JB at around 4:30 after stopping in Ayer Keroh and Machap (funny name eh!) for fuel. (yup normally bikers stop twice for a trip like KL to JB likewise KL to Penang) The lonely ride was good not too sunny but thank goodness the weather was kind. I was fetched by Abang Kadir (a JB HD biker) somewhere near Jalan Tebrau as he had to lead me to Hotel Mutiara where i'm staying tonite. Tommorow morning at 9:30 i'm heading back to KL with the JB HD bikers.
You see every year there is this event called Rock to Rock, where HD bikers (M'sians & S'poreans) ride from Hard Rock KL to Hard Rock S'pore (starting point alternates every year) and ride back the next day. So earlier this morning there would have been about 100 KL bikes that have travelled to S'pore. Tommorrow morning pulak both the 100 KL bikes and prolly another 100 S'pore bikes will be strutting their loud pipes to KL. So i will be trying to catch the wave if you know what i mean. I'm sure its gonna be a wicked sight! (200 bikes on the road can stretch to about 2 KM).
Stay tuned for pictures...
Ok enough with the boring stuff...so after the suit and tie event that finished around 12 i rushed home but not forgeting to get what my wife told me to buy from the hardware store the night before (see men do have good memory...err sometimes) so got home packed my stuff in my T-bag (a T-bag is a luggage carrier for biking) and put on my riding gear and off to JB at 2pm.
Got to JB at around 4:30 after stopping in Ayer Keroh and Machap (funny name eh!) for fuel. (yup normally bikers stop twice for a trip like KL to JB likewise KL to Penang) The lonely ride was good not too sunny but thank goodness the weather was kind. I was fetched by Abang Kadir (a JB HD biker) somewhere near Jalan Tebrau as he had to lead me to Hotel Mutiara where i'm staying tonite. Tommorow morning at 9:30 i'm heading back to KL with the JB HD bikers.
You see every year there is this event called Rock to Rock, where HD bikers (M'sians & S'poreans) ride from Hard Rock KL to Hard Rock S'pore (starting point alternates every year) and ride back the next day. So earlier this morning there would have been about 100 KL bikes that have travelled to S'pore. Tommorrow morning pulak both the 100 KL bikes and prolly another 100 S'pore bikes will be strutting their loud pipes to KL. So i will be trying to catch the wave if you know what i mean. I'm sure its gonna be a wicked sight! (200 bikes on the road can stretch to about 2 KM).
Stay tuned for pictures...
you are a prolific blogger. wink wink....
in a few days..one everyday...
hi nuraina tq for swingging by and linking my blog...my greatest worry is if i can keep the momentum...nway will link urs to mine once i figure out how...kena sekolah dulu lah...
salam abg emran..saya ter'found out' your blog n i enjoy reading bout u n your bike..i link ur blog into mine k..
aha..i think i saw the BIG grup of HD when i passed thru hard rock that Sunday morning.. isn't it?
hi a8jnme...yup yup thats them lah...
hi marinahunny...sure u r welcome to do so...i'm still BENDOL about blogging ni so prolly u can teach me how to create my own blogroll...
salam emran,
i'm a big fan of your wife.. how come erra tk ikut sekalik ek..she's a biker too rite??
so, gudluck in your writing n keep on making suria.fm d best station radio..skrg layan suria je..
skrg nie g keje best je layan dua bujang tu ehehehe...
their fun...n tk perlu "jerit2" just be cool n sweet, pls maintain that ok
kim salam kat erra ek..
hi hanitha...she got work that day sebab tu tak dpt ikut...nway will sampai ur salam to her...glad to know u like the 2 bujangs keep on supporting us k...
BRO! what abt goin to koh samui in january 16-18 2009? some of us from Motoheads r planning to go so make ur self available.Do let us know when u hit the road again to jb...lain kali not only kadir je yg tunggu..some of us would just drop everything & hit the highway to greet a fellow biker. I n case ur wondering who the hell am i...im the softail turn sportster.
Give me a holler at 012-7900135
Ride safe & ride hard!!!!
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