Thursday, August 28, 2008

Snapshot - She's Expecting!...

I wanted to keep this info as long as possible...but somehow one of the malay papers cought it just now and called me (i must credit Serimah of Berita Harian for being the first person to catch me off guard)...apparently they have found out that wifee is expecting...yes she is...shes almost into her 3 mths pregnancy now...

We found out of the good news 2 months ago and only shared it with our close family members...the last time we went for a check up was 2 weeks ago...and dr. harun idris confirmed that the mummy and baby are doing very well (we even saw the baby's heart beat)...alhamdullillah...thank you for all your prayers...

Yabedabedoo!....will upload pics of the scan soon...


Edzlin said...

hi mr emran. wow, congrats to both of u. hope everything will be fine. (i'm actually jump off when i read this) syukur Alhamdulilah. send our regards to mrs erra. ;)

Anonymous said...

congratulations Emran-Erra!!!!
penantian kalian berbaloi selama ni..
wah!!excited kita org dgr.
(byk kali gak bc entry ni..btul ke x?? hehehe...)

yu @ nurnie said...

congratulation!! Alhamdulillah... jgn lupa jaga erra baik2... dan jgn lupa sentiasa doakan isteri dan baby selamat sentiasa...

V said...

Hey Mr,

Congrats on the good news. I've been following ur rides eversince it was mentioned @MrManager's blog. Been a silent reader thou.. :-) But for this one, i make an exception. Please do tell ur wifey, i'm a big fan of hers and ask her not to be fussy with all the pregnancy thingy coz itu semua anugerah. And make sure u kena jaga dia.


yu @ nurnie said...

Alhamdulillah... jaga2 erra baik2.. jgn lupa doakan isteri dan anak sentiasa dalam lindungan-Nya.

yu @ nurnie said...

tahniah!!!! alhamdulillah.... jaga erra baik2...

Anonymous said...

congratulation to both of you.. so happy to hear this good news.

Ge-Nyek said...

Syukur Alhamdulillah. Tahniah to both of you. Allah has answered your prayers and thus bestowed His miracle gift to both of you.

it is indeed a priceless, precious gift of all.

SO HAPPY for you both tao!!

natni said...

congratz 2u both
mr ee suh wifee u take care eh
im happy 4u guys

fr silent rider

Anonymous said...

Jaga "DIVA" gau baik2 taw...

1. Jgn Bagi dia naik MOTO LAGI!!!
2. Ko pon jgn lah nak mengatal outstation slalu... take care both of them MORE much than ur self...

anyway the best way to show this happy moment is... SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH.. somemore next week bulan Ramadhan yg mulia akan menjelma....


Razman razlan

missara said...

wow..congrats to u n of coz ur lovely wife Erra Fazira...can't wait 2 see ur lovely baby...

muhazu said...


congratulations all the way from Spore :o)

Pregnancy is the time to be pampered. REMEMBER THAT!!


muhazu said...


congratulations all the way from Spore :o)

Pregnancy is the time to be pampered. REMEMBER THAT!!


Enche' Adykasyah said...

Alhamdulillah.. Anak adalah amanah dari Allah. Dari awal ni dah nak kena jaga bebaik.. Semua aspek lah yea Che' Em..

Semoga kita diberkati Allah selalu..

marinahunny said...


very glad to hear last dpt jg....take a very good care of kak erra ye...kami smua mendoakan keselamatan dia...

Lady M said...



May both of u be blessed with a memorable experience.


Anonymous said...

Congratulation to both of u :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. You guys will definitely make cute comel babies.

Anonymous said...

yippe.. ^-^

am so happy for her.. and u of course :)


please take gud care of her :)

Anonymous said...


Congrats to both of you.

he..he..tak sangka plak kandungan kita seusialah Erra..Take care ya!

Madam Casper said...

Mr EE...congratulation...lepas ni jgn nak pergi urut kaki lagi yer.

Anonymous said...

salam emran, congrats n syukur alhamdulillah erra dh pregnant.. jaga dier elok2 tau...jgn bagi dier lasak2 sgt... suh dier byk rehat... bestttt nya...menjerit kat opis biler kwn bg tau dier dgr kat berita n trus bg tau kat i.. she knows i nie diehard fan erra.. mmg i pon lamer tunggu erra mengandung ..sure cute baby tu nanti... take good care of her n my regards to erra...

Reen said...

congratulations to both of you!

Anonymous said...

Emran and Erra..Congratulations!
So so so happy to hear.. I just couldnt believe my eyes when I read your posting...
Take good care of her...and shower and pamper her with your love..

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS to both of you!

This is indeed a joyous occasion for both of you and your families. And thanks for sharing this with us all. I will remember to ask "doa" from Allah for everything to go well.

BTW I had first heard of it on Suria FM an hour ago - didn't know that my RSS feed here had already caught this post earlier.

Sakura said...

Tahniah Mr EE & Mrs EE....Alhamdulillah...Allah makbulkan juga doa saya setiap kali lepas solat agar kalian dikurniakan anak:-)...jaga baik - baik ok....

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! Big congrats to both of ya.. will def pray the best for both of you and baby.. baby makes three... weeeeeeeeeeeee.....^__^Y

Anonymous said...

Congrats to u both emran&erra...welcome to parenthood club!!!!!

Alhamdulillah :-)

Unknown said...

Congrats to u both emran&erra...welcome to parenthood club!!!!!

Alhamdulillah :-)

It's My Life....full of joys and loves said...

Alhamdulillah.....tahniah to EE...luv to hear this very good news....Alhamdulillah.....

Precious said...

Congratulations! :)

Anonymous said...

wah! Alhamdulillah.., akhirnya..,
TAHNIAH to both of you..

tolong jaga Erra baik baik, ok..


Anonymous said...

Everyone has made their best wishes & dont think i could be more different then them, so i guess i should just follow the rest.

Jaga Erra bebaik no.


CLEO said...

tahniah... tahniah...tahniah & alhamdulillahh. semoga semua nya selamat dan dlm lindungan Allah selalu. AMIN.

Anonymous said...

Mr EE, when I browse through UO blog just now, boy they were talking about mama princess!!! Congratulations Erra and EE!!! u know, when i write this message, im as excited and nervous at the same time. Wow, that is a real good news and just as happy! Jaga dia baik2 bro and tell her, I n family luv her. Yes, truly and sincerely, yeah mama Erra and papa EE!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you, bro!!! I thought i hv just wrote a message but somehow i lost it, hahaha! Anyway, im just as thrill and excited as any other fan and I sincerely wish the best for princess and babe!! Take good care of her, Mr EE. Pregnant mother has her own attitude, mind you! just play along with her as a long as its ok, bro. again, im sooo happy for both of you!!

Eddie CMC @ Red Garage said...

Tahniah bro.Dah jadi bapak dah geng motor aku nie.Bagus2,lepas nie dah bole pikir motor kasik bikin jadi trike...

Anonymous said...

As a fellow man who's been through this, I can also recollect the relief of knowing that I wasn't firing blanks...hahaha...

You might want to start booking a blog for your baby, that is if you've both decided on his/her name.

Speaking of which, boy ke girl?

Btw, do you want us to suggest a name for the baby bro? That should be fun. I got one for you "Ermerra".

Take care of the wifey!


Mrs. Alexis said...

To my dearest EE and EF, congrats to both of you... happy to hear that. Really a gud news... cant wait to see the mommy and the baby

Conan_skywalkeR said...

congrats bro !!

cepat uplod pic. satu malaya tunggu ni.

aizuraiman said...

Mr and Mrs E !

congrats ! baby E is on the way ! *yiippeeee*

Anonymous said...

mr.emran, nk tanya skit
yr mrs dh 2 bln @ 3bln??
sbb dlm mstar kata 2bln.
confius laa..

check this..
Erra Fazira hamil dua bulan

Intan said...

And the baby makes three.This is indeed the best news ever.EE,U are one lucky guy.Betul,jgn bagi princess naik motor and please no futsal ( dont tell me she was already pregnant when she played the game few months back)How could u,EE?We were already upset with the reflexology thing! Tlg jaga my princess.The first five months is very crucial.DONT take things for granted,got it???

Unknown said...

congratulation abg supermannn!!optss abg emran...alhamdulillah syukur sgt..pasni abg jaga kakak kami elok2tau :)

Sakura said...

Mr EE,confius la...2 bulan ke 3 bulan Mrs EE hamil?? Dalam Utusan tulis 3 bulan, tapi Mstaronline tulis 2 bulan..(artikel penuh boleh baca di Blog saya)
http://wwwsakura- )

p/s : Mr EE nak tanya sikit...macam mana nak letak pic kat Blog macam Mr EE tu? Saya ni baru je try buat blog....tak sangka jadi pula:-)....tapi Blog saya lebih kepada artikel2 menarik je...bukan catatan harian...saje2 xde keje...

Adminblog SRPU said...

congratz,moga perjalanan hidup semakin lancar...Amin. Brunei Riders.

Angel Eyes said...

Dear Erra and Emran,

Congrats to both of you! I'm very happy with this news! Give my love to Erra pls. I'm one of her friends in Facebook.


Engku Emran said...

hey guys...wah banyak betul nasihat and warning2 sy terima nih...anyway im so happy to see that wifee is being loved by many n not just me...not to worry our whole family is taking good care of her including me answer some of your questions, she is closed to 3 months preggo now, so it will be a march baby insyallah...again many thnx for all your prayers...i didnt actually realise that there are that many riders sharing the same prayers as my whole guys are truly beautiful people...hope the baby is as much...amien...boy or girl tak tahu lagi...but i prefer not knowing till the day the baby is wifee has to keep that as secret from me...but what i can say now is the moment i saw the baby's heart beat during the really moved my heart...thnx again guys...

P/S : check out pic in was taken not too long ago during FFM...guess why my hands are where they are...

mn said...


1. Sorry la..I lewat sikit.

2. Maklumlah bz dengan Permatang Pauh.

3. Tahniah to you and Era.

p/s: Agaknya...seniman atau seniwati? Hehehe

ms adrina said...


so happy for u guys!

Nusrah Samat said...

a BIG congratulations to both of you, dear Emran n Erra. seronoknyer...saya tumpang gembira n bahagia buat kalian.

@rep said...

tahnie.. lagi 6 bulan k...

akumangkok said...

May u and yours remain blessed.

Mrs. Alexis said...

Aries baby... hey am one too.. wah sharing the months with ur baby. Another reason for me to love Erra.. yes, please take a gud care of her

Anonymous said...

congratulations !!!! mesti comel :)

do take good care of the mummy-to-be, don't make her stress, don't make her work too hard ! and enjoy the pregnancy !!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Emran and Erra!!

I know Erra ni very active so Emran, you kena "ikat" dia sikit this time.. jangan aktif sangat okay.

And I love to go to this website to learn more about pregnancy and baby development or what not ... so I encourage you/Erra to register.. it's exciting!!

Jocko said...

Ku Meran,,,

Anonymous said...

hello mr emran

congrats emran & erra
happy to hear the gud news


Sakura said...

Wah! hari ni..semua akhbar utama cite tentang Mrs EE hamil la..hehehe..Mr EE...xpekan saya link blog Mr EE dekat blog saya...
Oh ye..atas cadangan Mr EE dulu, senarai nama - nama baik tu nanti saya letak kat blog nanti boleh pilih nama yang baik2 untuk baby kan..hehehe...insya - allah semua ok....Jangan aktif sangat Mrs EE tu....

Anonymous said...

cONGRATS ... jaga ur wife elok pompuan mengandung nie kadang2 banyak ragam..sabar ya...

rina is pink is sugitani said...

congrats to both of u..
xsaba tunggu, mesti comel gilekan?
jgn lupe cerite experience become mom n daddy...

good luck..

kak erra jgn lasak lagi..

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! So happy for both of you! Strike finally!


yujin said...

hi mr. emran,


Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah. Congratulations to both of you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the joyful news for u and erra. Tumpang gembira..

My Life My World said...

Syukur Alhamdullilah,

Seronok sangat dengar berita gembira ni, jaga mrs emran elok elok ya and the baby to .... jangan ganas ganas tau. Kirim salam kat mrs you yer

Engku Emran said...

Hi erra ni...saje nak share...sebenarnye beng jugak ngan hubby...sebab dia langgar janji...janji nak break the news sama2 bila dah cukup 3 bulan...rupa2 nye dia menggelupz dulu (i guess hes extremely excited kot)...anyway thnx for all your wishes and prayers...tolong doakan semua baik dan selamat...rasanye lepas ni hubby will update the development u all muah muah muah!!!...

areyoung said...

Tahniah atas kejayaan 'peluru hidup' & terima kasih atas kerjasama ; )

Anonymous said...

tahniah....hepi sgt dgr erra pregnant.....emran tlg jaga erra baik2......

Anonymous said...

tahniah...erra emran

grace aka Mrs.MDK said...

congrats ee...high time la kan...take care of her. Been reading ur blogs since it was on cyber...god bless..

Anonymous said...


Conan_skywalkeR said...

congratz erra !!

Anonymous said...

masa tgk gambar u all at the FFM hari tu i dh agak erra pregnant. x sangka pulak betul. anyways, congrats! :D

ketam said...

mesti check out MELODI hari ni ....

Anonymous said...

tahniah erra-emran...x sabar nak tgk baby erra

Anonymous said...

eii thniahhh...sgt hepi dgr dis sbar tnggu march nx yr hehe

ps:scara kbtulan, my princess was born dis yr on 9 feb hehe...n she's got a kecik lesung pipit same as erra...yihaaaa :)

swit@kon said...


Intan said...

I ada hints nak share sikit dlm menentukan jantina baby.Hopefully betul la.This is for u EE,since u nak disurprisekan.If mrs looks like she couldnt b bothered with her appearance (serabai),then baby will b a "he".Opposite (always wants to look pretty),will b a "she". Maybe my experience differs frm others.Judging frm mrs latest pic frm papers, I guess,its gonna be yr "junior",EE.

Anonymous said...

alhamdulilah,congrats my idol is pregrant...happy for both of you ....i pray she will always in a gd health........amin

warmest regards
(fans fr spore)

Norazihan said...

tahniah sdr emran. u must be thrilled. i kinda suspect bila u respond with "anak kot" and erra looked at u with a surprised look bila u respond to jimmy trek celebrity's question "film siapa boleh menang?" on the red carpet...

Suzila A said...


Just found this link from a blogger friend. Will link you so I get to see updates of the future mum!! :D

Love her to bits!!!