The Deputy Minister of Transportation and CEO/MD of MAS Tengku Datuk Seri Azmil Zahruddin were among the VVIP on board the new flight...before we boarded the aircraft the deputy minister and Tengku performed a simple ceremony with the gong...
During the 2 1/2 hour flight, Tengku did his PR bit by chatting with almost all of us so i ceased the kodak moment opportunity lah...
On the return flight home i sat next to a 10 year old boy Prem A/L Kathavarayan...he seemed like a very well behaved boy displaying a maturity way beyond his age...i didnt know why i offered him my KitKat chocolate bar that came with my in flight meal initially...but something inside tells me that i should "sacrifice" my KitKat (i love KitKat k!) and give it to Prem...
I didn't chat much with Prem (which i so regret later!!!) until about 3 quarter of the journey...i was basically trying catch some sleep which was much needed...Prem did try to strike a conversation with me when he was listening to a song on his mobile...he said to me "this is my mother's favorite song"...he didn't occur to me anything more than a boy whose prolly can't wait to be reunited with his mom in KL...
About 20mins later (prolly after seeing me being so restless as i couldn't find THE right spot to doze off) he turned to me and uttered 6 words that really shook me!!!...his exact words were "my mom just passed away yesterday"...thereafter i couldn't stop talking to him until we got off the plane...
I was just amazed by his sense of calmness and composure (and hes just 10!)...he never looked sad or depressed to me...Prem has thought me alot in that 2 1/2 hour i've known him or shall i say 30 mins...i promised Prem i'd ride about this story and get my fellow riders to say a little prayer for his late mom...
Dear Neermala must have been really proud of Prem...may God bless your soul...R.I.P 14 Jan 1969 to 14 Nov 2010.
Salam Mr Emran.
I too was amazed by Prem calmness. He such a good boy. RIP Mrs. Neermala Davi.
Happy Eid al-Adha Mr Emran.
thanks 4 sharing this story about Prem. My mum passed away about 2years ago, and yet I still feel sad and will cry whenever I think of her. This story about Prem makes me stronger
great stOry...thanx 4 sharing...i hOpe that i can b like dad passed away a year agO 3 days b4 my 22nd was sO unexpected..d things that i regret is i wasn't there caused that time i'm in kuantan n had classes 2 attend..i knOw nO matter hOw much i lOve him always remember that Dia Love him mOre than i did...RIP Mrs. Neermala Davi...n 2 my LOvELy dad, nO matter hOw far we r nOw,all our sweet memOries will stay remain 4ever...AL-FATIHAH...
RIP Mrs. Neermala Davi.
We tend to do things what you had did and will always do them again.. and a bit later try to fnd lots of excuses for the things we've done.. lol.. that human nature..
BTW, You look really nice in that suit :)
baru nampak wajah terbaru ee.harapnya gossip yang tersebar tidak benar sama sekali.saya selalu selitkan dalam doa lepas sembahyang moga rumahtangga ee dan ef kekal hingga ke hujung nyawa.....
Very touching story Emran. RIP Prem's mum.
Please tell us why he was on the plane.
Hi Itsy Bitsy...they live in KK but hail from KL...his mom's body was actually flown back to KL on that particular flight too...
My son ( if i'm not mistaken at age of 4 or 5 ) uttered to me during the funeral of my mother in-law " if everyone passed away, who will lived with me?" . This incident happened shortly after the demised his grandfather ( my father in-law)which him also attended the funeral.
good one!
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