Prolly the best news i've heard whole year...Siluet is back in KL this December see im a sucker for live it jazz or just plain rock & roll stuff...
During my bachelor days...hard rock was considered my 2nd there like every friday n saturday nites week in week out...nothing more than just for its good selection of live bands and music...heavy metal old skool rock & roll was how i started my weekend and end my week...
Top of my list were Siluet (from indonesia), DV8 (from philipines), Big Band (local) cant remember a few more...damn these guys i tell u are really good!...the vocalist of Siluet-Michael, he has an AMAZING voice to match his rock star showmanship!!!...and im not at all exaggerating here ok!...seriously u guys MUST chekkidaut!!!...(hes the one on the right...excuse the poor audio n visual)...
Let's rock & roll!...
Best juga band ini.
hi Mr.EE...
since u are very big fan of rock music, i was wondering do u play any music instrument???
do u n ur wife involve in the chocolate coke selling? (the one invlove with hotels, the 1 both of u done it when just married)
Hahaha..I like this "During my bachelor days...hard rock was considered my 2nd home..." bcoz I'm 1 of them hahaha...
Yupp.. kita memang hardrockers waktu tu.. in 2005 to 2007 im into dat scene.. memang best gila kan? semua memang minat lagu rock..cuba la boleh ulang balik masa2 tu..
Rocky rocks?
Hang memang pandai bodek. Patut la masih a nobody.
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