I caught the game at Safiz a mamak stall in Hartamas...i observed, it was one of those rare occasions (sadly) where Malaysians regardless of political orientation and race were on the same side!...all of us had a common goal willing our national team to beat Indonesia...
The boys played awesomely well despite losing 2-1 but won on a 4-2 aggregate...i just hope FAM and other relevant parties responsible for their development will guide this young team to the right direction...
To the team coach K Rajagopal (he deserves a datukship now) job well done!...fyi i had a chat with some FAM people recently and i'm told he's a real good coach and always bring luck to the team he manages...
To the minister of youth and sports Dato Ahmad Shabery Cheek thank you for being with the team through and through...your continuous presence around the team have definitely given them the assurance and confidence! It has been a fantastic year for Malaysian sports under your helm...
World Cup 2014 in Rio de Janeirio, Brazil?...hahaha maybe its still a HUGE ask...but lets have a good qualifying round that we can all be proud of...
The team is expected to arrive at KLIA today at 2pm...lets welcome the heroes!
Bro, y dont u watch at home???? :/
Salam Mr Emran.
Proud of Harimau Malaya. Khairul Fahmi and Safee Sali are our newest HERO!
Harap...jangan sekadar " MENANG DI JULANG - JULANG....KALAH....RASA NAK TENDANG - TENDANG ".... Semoga sokongan rakyat Malaysia berterusan....Malaysia Boleh !!! Tahniah semua pemain dan pastinya K Raja Gopal dan Fahmi penjaga gol:-)
I'm just proud to be Malaysian! Hopefully, there will be another victory for us in the future.
salam engku emran,
hepi besday, semoga di rahmati ALLAH SWT , bahagia di sisi istri trcinta, erra fazira n your cute little baby aleesya..n future babies :))
take care
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...why stop writing? did i miss anything?
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