Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Snapshot - 3A's In Action
Sorry for the delay of this posting...you know lah been busy with wifee yesterday and work today...nway as promised enjoy the pictures...abg Amy sang an opening of Isabella, Aku Dah Bosan, Kerja Gila, Rozana, Isi Atau Kulit and closed with Tiada Lagi...simply AWESOME!...
Tried to upload pics MYSELF using my broad band but failed (been at it for more than an hour now)...called Faqrul and he said upload pakai broad band memang slow giler...so guys i will have to do it tmrw am when i get to office...sorry again...(it's not my fault kay...me dah terror upload pics sendiri tau...)

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ow, thank God ur okay! i was just about to ask whether everythings okay with u n wifee!!! u know, after all the hype these few days! Anyway, bro take ur time to update as long as everthings okay, ya! Buzy with wifee, u must, cos she needs all the attention. Give my hugs n kisses for princess, may God Bless!!!
salahkan broadband!!!
tahniah2!!wah mr. EE dh pandai upload pic sendiri.
tu br cun (se cun mrs. EE)..
tp mmg la guna broaddband slow giler. klu kt umah tu langgan je streamyx. br puas ati.
Tak pa, usaha tangga kejayaan...
hehe kelakar pulak rasanya baca your last sentence tue...hehe tak per nnt datang kat office bleh upload gambar yer :)
salam ebg emran
how's your 1st time xxperience puasa as husband and wife..???
hi mr emran. take your time. we wait for it. yup, guna broadband tuk upload ape2 mmg slow
Che Em.. Using 'PICASA' freeware to upload your pix onto the blog is easier rather than using your conventional way.
Picasa and Blogger is Google based company.
But when using Picasa u can upload I think aroud 4 pictures at one go depending on the file size.
Try la..
Hi.... its true. i've been there on that day. Betul2 awesome.... especially abg Amy performance... I went there with my husband and my 4 children.. just want to see muka abg amy, ac and amy mastura... maklumlah x penah tgk konsert lagi... walaupun skrg tgh pregnant n tunggu hari aje lagi tu i tetap nak juga tgk konsert tu... luckily kitaorang dapat tiket utk masuk kalau x susah juga nak tgk muka dorang. Anyway... congrats to Suria FM for such an lovely and awesome events... anak-anak i pun happy je hari tu....
hi... thats true. Its was such a lovely and awesome day for me & my family especially my 3 sons. They love to watch Amy Search konsert on CD & DVD. Ini semua pengaruh bapa doranglah. His fatehr also love Amy SEARCH. Actually he just gone home on that morning from Sandakan, but when my older son told him that on 2.30pm that day Amy Search will be at 1Boreno for a concert, penat pun hilang & trus ajak kitorang gi sana. But actually i'm enjoyed it myself. Penat berdiri for nearly 3 hours rasanya berbaloi jugalah. My sons x pernah pun merungut penat. Congrats to Suria FM for such an awesome and fabolous events.....
Abg Emran
wondering whether it would be a great idea to have a show "Jom Ke Masjid"....its a roadshow ...group of bikers perhaps going on a road trip around the country (even Sabah&Sarawak)stopping over at unique mosques or suraus. As we all know each state has its own tradition and heritage , ie. N9 has minang's influence on their building and mosque design, Melaka and Johor ada influence Jawa...The idea is to look at mosques and suraus from its structural design, the history of the place and the cultures of villagers or communities at the area.
Who else best to host the show, then AMY himself...concept may sound dull but with a modern touch I am quite sure both genre old and new would be viewing the show....
"Selamat Berpuasa....."
salam ramadhan to mr. & mrs. EE,
enjoynya mr.EE kt KK..
klu mrs.EE join skali lg seronok kn.
sian mrs.EE celebrate merdeka sesorg tanpa 'teman'. hehehe..
1st puasa aritu u all balik sg. choh yer.. ;)
amy rawks !!!
Kak Amy memang best...macam Mrs EE...'sporting & gila - gila'...memang best kalau tengok show mereka!!.....Tambah pulak dengan AC Mizal...hmmm...lagi la hapening....Tengok Mr EE & AC macam reunion student Maktab Tentera Diraja yang 'rock'.hahaha Kenapa Mrs EE x join? Sian dia kena tinggal ye??
ok Mr EE, selamat bersahur & Berpuasa.Jaga Mrs EE baik2 ye..Kalau dapat baby girl mesti cantik macam ibunya..tambah lagi kalau pakai tudung..fuh!! macam bidadari dunia la...Mr EE dah lama saya nak tanya, kenapa Mrs EE sangat suka pakai rambut palsu??? Susah2 pakai tudung jelah..lagi come... suka tengok Mrs EE pakai tudung ...cute & sweet je masa nikah tu...(Harap suatu hari nanti dapat tengok Mrs EE bertudung)
just nak share 1 artikel tentang "NIKMAT RAMADHAN DENGAN SAJIAN BERKHASIAT". (Boleh baca kat Blog saya, sebab panjang sangat nak post kat sini)Memandangkan isteri Mr EE pun tengah mengandung dalam bulan puasa ni...mesti Mr EE risau kan keadaan kesihatan ibu dan bayi..
p/s: Tahun ni Mr EE jangan lupa bayar ZAKAT FITRAH ye....
selamat berpuasa to emran and erra.
Hi again! just few notes that can't wait. I wonder if ur still smoking Mr EE after what has happened to Mr Vern? Different circumstances but please do take extra care, ok for mrs sake!!! n Selamat Berpuasa bro
rindu amy mastura!!!!!!
hi mr ee, lamanya xnampak ur comment, dah mcm xde interaction plak, just my observation, mr ee kalau tanya boleh, u suka pakai topi i think u have a beautiful hair, ada satu je yg tak but bold lah plak teringin nak tgk rambut u n mrs yg asli.
owhh bro styloo...
caye lahh
finally d pics were uploaded...
bro.. i think u have to change ur hairstyle after ms.EE deliver ur 1st cute baby!
for now, it's ok la.. roxx! even though quite messy actually~
dont get angry ya!!
happy birthday amy s. u still look "HOT"
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